Misty Valley Equine is the name of my veterinary practice. The vast majority of my practice is devoted to diagnosing and treating performance horse lameness issues.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Answer Case of Week 10-11-06

This absolutely was a case of DSLD/ESPA (degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis/equine systemic proteoglycan accumulation) as several bloggers suggested.

Blogger Susan mentioned an excellent web site for very good information on this disease. Please check it out.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What's on this horse?

Can anyone name the type of shoe that's on this horse and what condition it is used to treat?

AAEP convention Dec. 2006

2006 AAEP convention was in San Antonio this year. It sure was nice getting away from Minnesota for a week in the dead of winter.

AAEP convention Dec. 2006

I spent a lot of time at the lameness seminars at this years AAEP convention. This one was on Palmar Foot Pain